Installation of Octave on OS X Catalina 10.15.2
I prefer Homebrew as package manager
Installed as per
Homebrew requires xcode
and for xcode license to be accepted.
This will take the latest version available as a package
# list available
brew search octave
# isntall latest (5.1.0_8 at time of writing)
brew install octave
Installs many dependencies but most are keg-only dependencies (i.e. not symlinked to /usr/local so visible only to the other homebrew apps) with many caveats (read the caveats, nothing bad initially). lso installs python3 if not present.
% which python3
# confirmed it's using homebrew's install
Quick installation tests
$> octave
octave:1> x=linspace(0,1)
octave:2> y=2*x
octave:3> plot(y)
Verify that plot’s window opens okay.